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NewAge currently holds a significant position in the Ogaden Basin to the south of the country, and is in the process of negotiating revised terms for a second licence towards the north, the Adigala exploration block, which had previously been held in partnership with other JV partners

NewAge made an oil and gas discovery in the Ogaden licence in 2014. This discovery is close to the Calub and Hilala gas fields, the only significant discoveries to date in Ethiopia, from which Poly GCL, the operator of these fields, has contracted to export the gas via an LNG development in Djibouti.

NewAge operates the Ogaden licence in Ethiopia. The Adigala block is currently under negotiation with the Ethiopian Government

NewAge is currently seeking a joint venture partner for the Ogaden block and actively reviewing commercialisation options for the gas discovery in El-Kuran

EK-3 discovery well

Addis Ababa office

Sakson drilling rig

Madhar Health Centre (CSR project)

Ethiopia Ogaden – Block 8 Adigala Block
Operator NewAge (100%) NewAge (100%) – under negotiation
Discoveries El Kuran n/a
Work programme Pre-development studies n/a

New Age in Ethiopia

Ogaden farm-in for 15% licence interest
Ogaden 2D seismic survey interpreted
Ogaden operatorship transferred to NewAge
Licence interest increased to 40%
Ogaden licence interest increased to 57.1%
El Kuran-3 well drilled and tested
Ogaden licence interest increased to 100%2020
Farmout process ongoing. Reviewing gas commercialisation options



In 2008, NewAge farmed into the Ogaden Basin blocks. Our recent focus has been on Block 8 to probe the potential suggested by seismic data from our 2D survey and earlier drilling. Testing of the 2014 El Kuran-3 well, which penetrated several intervals containing oil, gas and condensate, confirmed the El Kuran discovery.

El Kuran-3 Discovery Well

Development options include looking for gas monitsation options including both small scale domestic and LNG export projects in conjunction with other operators.