Responsibility overview
At the heart of our approach to corporate responsibility is the way NewAge works with others.
Our aim is to safeguard the interests of all our stakeholders and benefit the local communities where we operate by a commitment to our core company values.

Work to the highest standards of business ethics and integrity, and expect the same of our business partners
Operate within the letter and spirit of the law
Accept that leadership is the responsibility of everyone in the Company
Accept personal accountability for what we do
Conduct ourselves as if the Company’s assets were our own
High performance
Be strategically focused in all that we do
Drive to deliver a strong return to our shareholders
Focus on what adds value and the relationships on which our success is built
Seek ways our presence can contribute positively to local development
Respect the people we work with and those we deal with in conducting our business
Respect the places and cultures where we operate
Strive to avoid harm to people and the environment from our activities